The history of metal manufacturing


Metal manufacturing involves turning, drilling, shaping, and sawing metals for different purposes. It is also known as metal fabrication, which is a process of manufacturing sheet metals to make them into different shapes. Mental manufacturing is not new, but ancient people started it many years ago. Studies and research have proved that metal manufacturers are found to have started to work on metals from approximately 5000 years BC.

During the next 2000 years, they started to develop and master its uses by manipulating the metals for different purposes. Research has also shown proof for people of ancient times using decorated gold ornaments, nuggets, etc. People started metal fabrication and tooling during the stone age. And many ancient metal artworks, currency, jewellery and working tools prove the existence of metal manufacturers during that time.

The early history

Copper is the first metal discovered by humans during 9000 BCE. Later humans started developing metal tools, jewellery, coins, etc. Research shows that human engineering evolved during the stone age, which led to the increase of metal manufacturers. The bronze age (2,300 to 700 BCE) was when people started making metal pots, pans, and chariots. And during this period, they found the first hard metal (also known as the oldest allow), bronze, which was used to develop swords and armour. Later on, metal manufacturers developed a lot and finally started with the smelting process during the iron age (1,500 BCE). The iron age is considered the true stage or the age of metal fabrication, where people started making different kinds of weapons, armour, infrastructure and many other items.

We can find a huge development among metal manufacturers by checking the ancient war equipment used by people. Weapons like swords was one of the main development or manufacturing made during those periods. Many other metal items formed into different shapes for wars and other purposes can also be found.

The development of metal manufacturing: 1400 – 1700

During the beginning of the 15th century, metal manufacturers stopped using primordial furnaces to pile alternated layers of charcoal and iron to liquefy steel. During this century, Leonardo da Vinci first sketched the idea of a rolling mill, which became an important part of metal fabrication. Historians reported the appearance of the first two rolling mills in the 16th century, designed to produce uniform gold sheets and cut previously formed sheets. These uniform gold sheets were used for the development of new coins. Da Vinci’s rolling mill was considered to be brought to use during 1590, and it consisted of two heavy cylinders that were used to press metals to change their thickness.

During the 17th century, a new metal manufacturing method was developed called puddling. With the invention of puddling, people started to heat cast-iron to make metals of different shapes, thicknesses, and sizes. Puddling involves heating the cast iron in reverberation furnaces until the metal gets liquified. Later it was poured onto something to create a specific shape. Since the metal manufacturers used sand for the bed during this century, this method was inefficient and had many problems. Later on, this method of metal fabrication was refined, and it was used for the production of mild steel.

The new developments of metal fabrication during the 17th to 19th century

By the 17th century,metal manufacturers started to produce cast iron by using pit coal and other related materials for heating. It allowed them to create new and complex shapes with metals. With this development, people could invent press brakes and assembly lines, which helped them to improve the production of high-quality metal parts. Swiss engineer Jean Pierre Droz changed the sheet metal process in 1770, and it paved the way for many new metal inventions.

The new age of iron production and metal manufacturing was formed with the invention of steam and aluminium hammers during the 19th century. Around 1857, Bessemer converters, the inexpensive process for metal fabrication, became popular. It was an invention that helped increase steel production from cast iron. Later, many metal manufacturers started to find different methods for metal manufacturing, and many industries were formed.

Industrial development of metal manufacturing

As mentioned above, the history of metal manufacturing was found to be started in ancient times. From discoveries and research, the oldest industrial metal mining and manufacturing operations were found during 8,700 BCE. It was proofed with a copper pendant in northern Iraq. The nest copper mining–industrial manufacturing in America’s history was found to be during 4000 to 5000 BCE. Leonardo da Vinci’s rolling mills are considered the stepping stone for industrial metal manufacturing. In 1615 the first industrial metal manufacturing plant started to produce lead and tin plates. Metal manufacturers during these times are found to use the production line and hydraulic press.


Metal manufacturing was one of the important development of humans until now, serving many purposes. The industrial development of metal production became large-scale after the 18th century. Here you can find some important information regarding the ancient metal manufacturers and their developments.